a staring contest…

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let’s see – I want to try your new blog format – and there are about a million things I wish I had written down for you, so let’s see if, in my tired state, I can remember any of them 😉

funny story:
We were at a very loud restaurant Saturday night (mad, dan, you, me, daddy jim, daddy’s best friend dave, and our friend christine). You and I were sitting on one side of the table hanging out. You said, “Mom, let’s have a staring contest.” So we did… and laughed and laughed and laughed. Sometimes I won, sometimes you won. Once when you won, you looked across the table and excitedly told Daddy Jim, “I won! I won!!” He yelled back to you (so you could hear), “What did you win sweetheart?!?” “A staring contest with Mama!!”

He looked truly perplexed and yelled back,
“A Scary Cow Test?!?!?!”

We both immediately CRACKED up laughing, looked at each other and broke out in the meanest looking and sounding MOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! toward each other that we could come up with!!! Then we laughed so hard our sides split!!!! It took us many rounds of Scary Cow Test and laughter before we could breath enough to explain to Daddy Jim.

How fun!!