loving you

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You are doing such heart-melting things, I just have to tell you about them!

For example, you LOOVE to be naked! And as soon as you are down to your diaper, you smile REALLY big and say “Pretty Baby!” as you pat yoursefl on your tummy. (You used to say “Baby Body!”) You truly are a pretty baby! Inside and out!!

Playing with the neighbor kids on New Year’s Day

playing with neighbors

Tonight, while we were snuggling before you fell asleep, you slowly leaned over to me and gave me the sweetest kiss on the lips, then moved back, and then another on my nose, and then moved back, and then another on my ear, and then on my eye, and then on my cheek… each time leaning away and smiling at me in between. You finished with one more sweet kiss on my lips, and then laid back on your pillow.

Playing with your new Choo Choo Train… Daddy helped you set it up during a Michigan football game… Go Blue!

choo choo2
choo 1

We have SUCH a great time at bedtime! You pull my shirt up a bit to lay on my belly and you say “Belly!”, then you look up to my face and say HI and then you look away and say BYE BYE and back and forth and back and forth. I zerbert your neck, and you zerbert my belly, and we giggle and giggle.

Making blueberry muffins


Let’s see… other fun things you are doing these days…

You are working on counting to three. As you are standing down the hallway from me, you’ll yell TWO Free (you skip “one”), and you come a-running with arms outstretched… You barrell into me, and we both fall over and laugh. Then you get back up and go do it again. I say, One, and you say Two and something that sounds like three, and off you go!

Drawing together

drawing together

I’m sorry I haven’t taken many pictures of you lately. I have had some big paper deadlines, so you and I haven’t gone on as many adventures these past couple of weeks… I miss them. Soon, I hope.

Just to be clear, this was YOUR outfit of choice, not mine. 🙂

And then you were reading your Hair book:
reading 1

Your Daddy did take you for a little Daddy-Daughter time yesterday (Thursday) as he didn’t have to work until 7pm. You did a little Target shopping together, and then you played on the big soft play area like we used to do when you were very little. Daddy said you were much more aware of the other kids this time – you did a lot of watching them.
daddy fieldtrip

Tomorrow Aunti Judi and Uncle Jim are going to pick you up for a visit to the Strong National Museum of Play! You’re going to have lunch with them there, and then you’ll come home to me for a nap. They want to have a little alone time with you. I will give them some (what you and I call) “bubbly juice” (gingerale) to give you in case you need a little cheering up as you leave our house. Sometimes saying bye-bye to Mommy isn’t the easiet thing.

Then on Sunday, our neighbor friend Simon is going to come over to play with you after your nap. Daddy and/or Mommy will still be here, but Simon is learning her baby sitting skills (I think she is about 11 or so), and she is really looking forward to playing with you.

I’ll try to post some pictures of the weekend later.

I love you Sweet Pea! Happy Dreams…