a new camp & hanging with Kate

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Last week was definitely weird… You went to a new camp with new teachers and new friends in a new building with new things to do, and I was in Chicago at my conference the whole week… It was strange not being able to picture where you are or what you are doing.

I’m sure you’ve figured out by now that I am kind of what-they-like-to-call a helicopter Mom – one who likes to hover. : ) not really – but I do like to be involved and know where you are and what you’re doing. I do like to really know your friends and teachers… On your first day of your new camp, I called the camp director from Chicago and asked her to spy on you specifically and make sure you were doing okay – not surprisingly, she reported that you were having a BALL on the playground with the other kids… my heart smiled..

Anyway – it sounds like you had a FANTASTIC time. Kate picked you up every single day so you had that consistency in your week – she said you were fantastically happy and well behaved every day. She said you liked your new teachers and you were waving goodbye in the parking lot to your new friends. Kate was sweet enough to send me pictures of your adventures together… Here are some of them…

Strawberry Picking

You and I are both so very grateful for Kate – her kindness, her playfulness, her love, her attention to details, her consistency… She rocks!! How much more blessed could we possibly be!!