says it all…

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Okay, so this picture pretty much sums up today’s adventure:


What in the world are you people doing to me now?

We took you tubing at a local snow tubing place. The website says that it is great for all ages – even babies – as they have different hills, etc. So we planned and organized and packed and…
then drove about an hour (while you and Daddy napped). We got you, Daddy and me all suited up, paid our admission, and headed off for our adventure – all of us a bit unsure about what we were getting ourselves into. The three hills looked pretty much the same and teenagers were loving them (which made us wonder whether we were in the right place); there was no orientation or introduction to the process; we started by pulling you on a tube up to this person who attached your tube to these hooks to tow you up the hill. The plan was that I would get in the tube before that happened, but the worker hooked you up so fast that I had to chase it and jump on it, saying “We’re not ready!” (which did not give any of confidence about what was to come). We got to the top of a pretty large hill, they sternly told us to get off faster. Another teenage worker explained, “You just have to throw her off when you’re nearing the top.” Yeah, uh huh. Right. (Clearly, no clue). Then we asked around for which run down this big hill was for babies… no one seemed to know. Finally, this other person said that we wanted the first hill – they get steeper as you go. Okay, so we were definitely going down the first hill… Neither you nor I was sure about this. Yet another teenage worker gave us a push and off we went… as we neared the top of the drop off, I couldn’t see the bottom…. I just squeezed you tight and hoped we stayed in that round piece of rubber! I cheered reassuring things as I inwardly prayed… We got to the bottom, and we were both done.
I pulled you around in the tube by another Mom who was pulling around her 2 little girls. You enjoyed watching them, but you never decided you loved it.

We asked for a refund, and went inside to change clothes and have a snack.
We met this sweet little girl and her parents who were also from our town.
You ended up playing with her for a bit… then we went to the YMCA in Batavia to salvage a little play. After having some funning running around a gym, we headed home.

All in all, it was quite a day. It was fun to spend the day outside and with each other. I think we will hold off on the tubing for another year or two…

By the way? I love your adventuresome spirit! You really are an awesome kid!

Love you Peanut,
*a tired Mommy