a very busy weekend

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pictures to come, but here are some of the highlights:

* A surprise visit by Judi and Jim after work – you and I were sledding out front when Judi arrived.

* A trip with Daddy to visit me at work, play at the library, and do a little grocery shopping
* After your nap on Saturday, a family swim at the YMCA
* Church – you and I sang
* Our friends Jen and Corey came over after chuch for pizza and play

* Mommy and daughter breakfast
* Hanging out with Jimmiqua for lunch
* After nap, a Super Bowl visit with the Ball family (not that any of us cared, but the Indianapolis Colts won)
donuts mommy

It’s something like 20 degrees below zero windchill right now! Schools are closing tomorrow. We are so blessed to be safe and sound and warm in our beds. Sleep well Peanut Butter…

Love you! *Mommy