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today are my almost 6-year old – with really long hair, interesting insight, and the craziest nuanced reactions i could ever imagine
today you are my giggle buddy (still) – doesn’t take much and you and I are both rollin! most around us have no idea why
today your favorite colors are green and black
today you color puppies, bats, birds, girls and flowers
today you really like to pick out your clothes – and your definitions regarding “matching” are quite… uhmmm… shall we say… hip.
today your phrase by far – mama, i’m hungry
today you don’t like turtlenecks
today you could color and cut and glue for hours at a time
today you can read!!! you can sound out many words, you can sight read others – and, all along, you are quite aware of context (i got all teary eyed listening to you read last night)
today you sit on my lap when I go pottie – sometimes facing me so we can have a close chat
today I still lay down with you, saying prayers together, and staying with you until you are asleep
today i told you that i SOO grateful to be your mama – and I am – every day –
today you love to climb things and push your muscles – gonna sign you up for gymnastics again

today is just about over, and I SOOOOO look forward to tomorrow with you.

i love you my dearest child –
your mama