the holidays

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Hey Beautiful Girl –
We have been in the midst of crazy Christmas excitement wrapped up in experiencing our winter wonderland of a home.

It all started with the first snow for the season a couple weeks back. I picked you up from school, and before we could leave the school parking lot, you wanted to make a snow person – So we did… looking into the Cobblestone library. So cute.

Other adventures?
The Family Tree. Family shopping for a Christmas tree in really cold but beautifully snowy weather – Daddy Jim wanted Blue Spruce (last stop on the wagon ride and a walk to the back woods). Madeline wanted us to “rescue” the tree someone else had cut down and left – only problem? it was much much taller and bigger than anything that could fit in our house, never mind on the top of the car. (Madeline hid the saw in protest – i love activism – but then we got colder.) Daniel and Daddy Jim had a snowball fight. Everyone contributed to the tree cutting. We shared free hot chocolate afterward.