i love you to pieces my little Valentine

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Happy Valentine’s Day Peanut!

Check out today’s weather report:

February 14, 2007 8:26 pm — Mother nature’s Valentine’s Day gift to Rochester today was snow and more snow, accompanied by traffic delays, airport lines and a lot of shoveling.

snow house
snow UR
As a result, daycare was cancelled and I got BONUS TIME WITH MY BABY!! How cool is that?!?!

Here is a quick summary of our wonderful day:
First, you and I shopped for balloons to surprise Daddy when he went to work tonight. After we shared some yogurt and other breakfast foods we bundled up for our adventure at the Strong Museum. We had the WHOLE museum ALL TO OURSELVES. I counted 4 other kids in the whole place when we got there. They were having a Valentine’s Day celebration – a big doggie called “Biscuit” (much bigger than Mommy), many different games, special arts and crafts, and the coolest thing ever – the (REAL) post office was there. We decorated a postcard for Daddy and the post office woman put a stamp on it and postmarked it right then and there! This is how the museum described the day’s events:

14 Wednesday—Valentine’s Day Party, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It’s puppy love! Meet Biscuit, the beloved canine from the popular children’s books. Hear Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day and other tales of love at 11 a.m., 12 noon, and 1 p.m. Play special Valentine-themed games; create a Valentine’s Day collage; and have your face painted with hearts, puppies, bunnies, and more. Decorate a postcard for your sweetheart and have it stamped and mailed by the U.S. Post Office.


You wanted a heart “tatoo” but you couldn’t bring yourself to it… You wanted Mommy to get this one to see what it was like.

You played a game in which you threw small basketballs into a basket and amazed everyone. You have amazing coordination for your age! It was fun to watch you! I think you made 5 baskets out of 6 tries (maybe it was 6 out of 7). Impressive – better than I could’ve done.
We came home and had lunch. I had to go into work when you went down for your nap. When you woke up, you and your Daddy played with play dough, magnets and your new Valentine’s Day book. I came home and we all went out to play in the snow a bit. You and I giggled and giggled – and we went over to say Hey to our neighbor Susie. After dinner we opened our Valenine’s day box from Grandma and Grandpa Tatro, but we will have to wait until tomorrow to open the box from Grandma and Grandpa Luehmann as Daddy had to run off to work.

KO la Kok!

This was the wonderful pillow Grandma & Grandpa L sent you – you love it!
Valentine pillow

After dinner, you and I played upstairs and you made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. What a wonderful day!!

I love you my little Valentine!