blessed are the peacemakers…

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for they shall be called children of God (Matthew 5:9).

Here is a wonderful little story that I will treasure.

Daddy and I had a little spat last night before he left for work. I was therefore much more into you than Daddy as he prepared to leave for work (as was he). He came over to you to say goodbye, and you lovingly greeted him, “Goodbye Daddy!” and looked at me at said “Daddy, work.”

“Yes,” I said. “Daddy’s going to work.”

You sat and processed things for a minute, looking at me and then Daddy.

You offered Daddy an unsolicited kiss by puckering up your little lips in his direction. Surprised, Daddy leaned down to return your little kiss.

Then you promptly and authoritatively stated: “Mommy, Daddy, Kiss.”

So we did. And then we smiled. And then the anger melted.

You are such a special little girl…