on the eve…

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tonight you are still my sweet little one-year old. Tomorrow you are 2. Strange, huh? Who decided that it should be so exact? so precise? I’m not a big fan of birthdays, by the way… at least I’m not such a fan of the label – “2 year old” or “forty year old” or whatever. It shouldn’t matter as much as it does. You are you… and you are developmentally exactly where you should be. Your birthday does give us license to CELEBRATE YOU – I love that part!!

I just came down from snuggling with you while you were sleeping. Have I told you lately how much I love being your Mom? I truly do.

These are my words of “wisdom” for the tonight – You get to choose who you give power to in your life, Baby Girl… People can’t truly hurt you unless you give them persmission. I certainly encourage you to be in relationships with all kinds of people – and be in them fully. However, that said, be careful to give that “power” only to people you respect and trust. People who share similar vision and values with you. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll still get blindsighted sometimes, and it will hurt, but that is energy that is worth giving…because people we love and respect and admire will still hurt us. We are imperfect souls, and we all make mistakes. I just don’t want you to waste your precious, beautiful and wonderful energy and spirit on being angry at or healing hurts from decisions made by people whose opinion you don’t really respect.

On the eve of your birthday, I get to again reflect on the JOY you have brought in my life. It hasn’t all been easy – balancing everything. But I would not trade my life with you for the WORLD! You inspire me to be a better person; you make me look at my world differently, you bring SO much laughter to my day, you challenge me to grow. Thank you for being so wonderfully you!!

peanut butter

A quick story or two – you love to be naked. Tonight you were running away from me, stark naked, wearing only your Easter bonnet. (I should’ve taken a picture!) I laughed and laughed and you did too. Which reminds me of bedtime two nights ago – we were both BEAT after getting home from Gospel Choir practice late. We had read books and brushed teeth, and we were trying to calm down to fall asleep and we both got the giggles – it was infectious!! I think we laughed outloud for 10 minutes!! Belly laughs. What a PERFECT way to end a day!

I love you Peanut Butter – forever….