A “turn” of events…

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This is the email we sent out to friends & family on March 4… the day we thought you would be born:

Dear Friends & Family – An update on our little one’s progress…

As most of you knew, I was scheduled to deliver this little one this morning at 9:30am by c-section because she was (and has been) breech for the entire duration of this pregnancy. Some of you also know, Adam & I went to great lengths to help this little one turn right-side-down (prayer as well as acupuncture, moxibustion, exercises, extra-enthusiastic Gospel choir input, etc.). A little over three weeks ago, we learned that the cord was around her neck which meant it was no longer safe to hope she turned. None of the doctors thought she would turn b/c she hadn’t made any attempt and b/c of the cord, so they were certain we would need to deliver her by c-section. They wanted us to wait to until the 39th week so she would have adequate time to develop her lungs. Today marks the end of her 39th week. And, up until yesterday, she didn’t budge.

Today we went to the hospital as planned, checked in at triage, put on the gown, and then they did a little ultrasound check to make sure she was still breech (pretty much just as a formality). And guess what? Yes, sometime between our doctor’s appt. yesterday at 1pm and going to the hospital this morning, she decided to turn. Nobody, especially my doctor, could believe it. They did MANY tests to make sure the cord (which was wrapped around her neck) was not causing her any stress – it is still there, but loosely laying on her shoulders. Her heart rate is great, my fluids are great – so now we just wait until I go into labor the old-fashioned way.

As you can guess, it has been an emotional ride, but we are so thankful she continues to grow and is happy and healthy. (They gave us this AMAZING 3-D ultrasound image of her – she looks like a real baby – totally beautiful!!) Her scheduled due date is Monday, March 7, so who knows? She really could decide to come anytime.

We’ll keep you posted…

Thanks to all of you for your ongoing love and support! It means the world to us!!


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