mommi’s day weekend

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Hey there Beautiful –

Friday night you and I chalked up the sidewalk outside our house with lots of pretty colors… it was then you and I decided we should spell Mommi with an “i” instead of a “y.” We traced your hand and mine, your foot and mine, and when Daddy joined us, we added his foot as well (and decided we would spell “Dady” with only one D… just to be silly.)

Saturday morning, we headed down to Highland Park for the Lilac Festival. Just before we left, Mommi got a wonderful mother’s day present from Auntie Amy – check out these beautiful flowers! (Daddy was helping you sniff them.)

These are the gorgeous flowers in bloom at our local park. We checked them out while we were waiting for the parade to begin.
We had a fanatastic time at the parade. With each new parade entry, you would excitedly say, “Mommi, look!!” You waved to all the people in the parade, and so many of the waved back, melting a little when they saw your enthusiastic greeting!
lilac parade2
lilac parade1
lilac parade3

After the parade and a nap, we headed down to Judi’s sister Karen’s house for a Mother’s Day celebration with all of Judi’s family. You had the BEST time with Mark, Judi’s nephew. You read books and chased one another, wrestling and giggligng! My face hurt from smiling so much just watching you two!
judis family mothers day

Today, after chuch, we headed down to Charlie’s Frog Pond for brunch…. ate some eggs, made a mess, and giggled a lot!
mothers day charlies1
mothers day charlies3
mothers day charlies2

I know I’ve told you this a million times, but I thoroughly LOVE being your Mom. You often point to me and proudly say, “Maya’s Mommy.” I’m honored and humbled and thrilled to be that person! Let’s see, here are a few of the things you have been up to lately:
* You sing your a,b,c’s song many times a day. “a. b. c. d. uh. uh. gee.” “h.i.j.k. el.el.el.el.p.” “q.r.s.” “t.uh.v.” “w.x” “y.z.” Today, during the church announcements when most of the congregation was quiet, you broke out in this song by yourself. We were standing up with the Gospel Choir in front of the church – most of the choir members looked at you with a wonderful full smile. (You kept singing 🙂 I love you Peanut!)
* You say “chocolate” now instead of “KoLaKock.”
* You are very good with using “please” and “thank you”… even when people give you compliments. When someone like the man sitting next to us at the restarant today says something like “You are so beautiful,” without missing a beat you say, “Thank you.” When someone sneezes, you say “Bless y ou.” They say “Thank you,” and again, without missing a beat, you say “Welcome.” As we walk home, you greet most people who are sitting out on their porch with a sweet “hi!” And if they don’t respond, you say it louder. : )
* Sweet words in your vocabulary these days: “oop i city” (oopsidaisy) and “oth” (off)

mothers day
I love you my Baby Girl –