No news and good news (emailed 3/9)

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Here is the email we sent out last Wednesday…

Greetings Friends & Family –

Just thought we’d give you an update on the most recent Tatemann family adventures. As you know, last Friday we were scheduled for an on-time arrival of our little girl at 9:30am via c-section, but she decided she would prefer to hang out for a bit longer in exchange for a natural childbirth – sometime in the previous 12 hours or so, she had turned from the breech position she had been in the previous 9 or so months. Amy (my sister from Seattle), Adam and I left the hospital disappointed to not be leaving with her but grateful that she was doing so well – strong heart rate, lots of amniotic fluid, cord only loosely around her shoulders.

Since Friday we have been expectantly hoping each day would bring about her arrival, but so far we are still waiting. We had a doctor’s appointment Tuesday with our good friend, Dr. Coral Surgeon, who was quite surprised to see us (She was on vacation last week when we were scheduled for our c-section). At that point I was about 60% effaced and ½ cm or so dilated. She chuckled at the very rare circumstances and told us we just need to wait. We told her we were trying everything we had read or heard to kick-start the process (walking, spicy food, breast pump, etc.). We learned there is no magic to getting the process started – it’s a mystery that is still not well understood. We also learned that the onset of labor contractions are not connected to the progress of my cervix (effacement, dilation). They did another “non-stress test,” and again Little Baby Tatemann continues to earn high scores – her heart rate and reactions are “great.” So the adventure continues. As of yesterday, I have been experiencing much more frequent contractions, but they haven’t been consistent beyond about 4-5 hours.

The doctors do not want us to go beyond 41 weeks (I guess there is risk that my placenta will not continue to do a good job of giving her the nutrition she needs after that), so next Monday we will have another doctor’s appointment to schedule the induction.

Sadly, this afternoon we said goodbye to my sister as she boarded a plane to fly back home to be with her family. (Thanks so much Hakon and Elisabeth for lending her to us for the week – it was AMAZING to have her support, love, help, generosity, laughter, hugs, company, etc. during this emotionally challenging time!!!!)

We will continue to keep you all posted. Thank you still for your ongoing love and support! We really appreciate it!

Love, April & Adam

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