peek a boo

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pillows are your favorite, but you’re happy to hide in anything you can find…

today you had a blast hiding behind all of your coats… and you giggled and giggled as tehy fell and left you exposed. : )

Let’s see – other sweet things you are doing and saying these days:
* you say “oth” to mean”off”
* you still say “pt” for tv
* when you want something, you say “May I have it please?” (most of the time) or “Maya have it please?”
* You know Judi & Jim’s corner and announce it everytime we drive past their house.
* When we head out to a car or just arrive home from an outing, you consistently ask “Maya go see Barnie (the neighbor’s puppy) please?” When I say “sure,” you get very excited and shyly walk next door holding my hand.
* You still describe yourself when you’re naked as “PRETTY BABY!” and you pat your belly. I love that!
* birdie is “boodie”
*”Mommy! Help Maya!” is what you call out when Daddy is carrying you somewhere you don’t want to go (e.g. wash hands before dinner).
* you love to point out a “Big Truck” or “Big Bus” as it drives by.
* You’re still not a big fan of things in your hair. Yesterday, when we were having our snack at Spot coffe, I went up to the counter to grab a couple napkins. I watched you get down from your chair at our table, walk over to another table and place your barrett on that other table, and climb back up your chair. You crack me up.
* You love to swing – especially on your belly.
* Whenever you want to use a term of endearment for your Daddy or me, you add “ee-ah” on the end of our name – “Mom-e-ah” or “Dad-ee-ah” – it’s very sweet.