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Today was Memorial Day – a beautiful sunny holiday that we got to spend together!

We started by heading down to Spot Coffee for a “snack” (cheery danish – really, what was I thinking : ) ) and some juice as we waited for the Memorial Day parade to start. One of the highlights was the doggie that sits in the front walkway.
doggie spot2
parade 4
parade 3

Aunti Judi walked down to meet us and watch the beginning of the parade. You made a number of new “friends” with the people sitting all around us.

After we watched from the street for a while, we headed up to Judi and Jim’s and watched the rest from their balcony. Aunti Judi is the BEST! We had lunch up there while we watched. (Uncle Jim was at the cabin and Daddy was sleeping because he worked last night, so it was just the girls today.)
parade 7

After nap and dinner, we headed over to Hannah and Timmy’s house with a pint of chocolate ice cream, a package of cones and some sprinkles.
ice cream1
ice cream2
ice cream3
Could the day end any better?!?! THanks God!!