today’s report

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Today at daycare you read these books:
* The Bunny Book
* The Big Wide-mouthed Frog

Did these activities:
* Puzzles
* Musical instruments
* Threaded pipe cleaners into spools (fun!)
* Outside spray bottles
* Swings, sand box and bikes

And sang these songs:
* Bumble Bee
* Ants go marching
* Swimming song
* A Rum tum tum
* Happy Birthday
* Turtle in the Box

You “enjoyed our lunch – pizza pockets and salad – Maya ate it all!”

Your teachers wrote this about you today:

Maya has had two wonderful days. She loves to swing and spent quite a while at it today. She was an active and fun participants with our instruments and marching songs at circle time. She demonstrated a very sweet side while engaging one of the Beeches (6 – 12 month olds) at play in the sand box – She offered hugs and gifts to one little boy in particular with a kind gentleness. It was a very nurturing attitude. She had no idea she was being watched!

We’re so proud of you! We love you to pieces!