self awareness

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On our way to gymnastics, you said,

“Mama, ya know, my armpits get sweaty sometimes when it’s not warm yet.

“At gymnastics?


“Well, you’re working hard at gymnastics…”

“No Mama, it’s before we get started.” And then you went on to explain how you used to be nervous about whether or not you would be able to do gymnastics… and that “beginning part” would make your armpits wet. Pretty sweet.


Today at Billy Elliott (a Broadway play we saw in Toronto that had way too much swearing) – a character swore and I whispered in your ear, “You know we never say that, right?”

“I know, Mama.”

The next line was something about hating someone or something, and I repeated, “We don’t say that either.”

“I know, Mama.”

The next line involved another, worse swear word. Without skipping a beat, you said, “And we don’t say that either… I know, Mama.” I laughed.