a wedding, a playdate and a dance

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We had a VERY busy day today!

First, I sang at our friends’ Jen & Cory’s wedding with the Gospel choir. While I was there, you and Daddy went to Gymboree and the playground!
jen cory1
jen cory2
jen cory4

I came home after the wedding to pick up Daddy for the reception. Aunti Judi came over to play with you a bit and put you down for your nap. Here are a couple pictures from Jen and Cory’s reception:
jen cory3
jen cory5

After a THREE & A HALF hour nap (at which time I woke you up… maybe it was a growth spurt), you and I headed out to meet our friends Marlie and her Mom for a playdate at the playground:

Daddy met us all for a picnic in the park before he headed off to work for the night.

Then you and I went to Jimmiqua’s 8th grade formal to take a few pictures for her. While we waited for her to arrive, you danced in the middle of the floor to the music the DJ was playing. Jimmiqua looked absolutley BEAUTIFUL!! Can you believe she is 14 already?!?! She really enjoyed introducing you to all of her friends as her niece!
jimmiqua dance1
jimmiqua dance2
jimmiqua dance3
jimmiqua dance4

Highlights of the day for me?
* Using my new camera (Daddy bought me a new camera, becuase my old one broke last Friday… I’ve had to use my cell phone camera in the meantime.)
* Watching you share your strawberries so generously with Marlie. Listening to you help her use her “please” and “thank you’s” cracked me up!
* Watching you dance.
* Giggling with you before bed.
* Watching you sleep during your 3.5 hour nap!
* Being part of Jen and Cory’s very special day!
* Pushing you on the swing.
* Knowing you and Judi had time to play together.
* Watching you hang out with neighbors Joe and Martha on their front porch.
* Having a date with Daddy – We met new friends at the reception- Su & Justin. They might come have ice cream with us in a couple weeks.
* Getting to start and end my day with you.

*whew* After reading all of this, I am ready for bed! : ) Thank you, Peanut, for an awesome day!! I love you to pieces, and I am so proud of you!