some pictures from today…

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baby maya
maya hat

We SOOOO wish we could’ve been at the Friedrich Family Reunion today, but we just couldn’t figure out the logistics. We had a rather typical day today –
* Church with Jimmiqua. You, Jimmiqua and I sang together in the Gospel Choir. Hannah and her family came to church today.
* Lunch and hanging out at home including your new favorite pasttime, playing in Daddy’s car – you and I cleaned it for him. Even that is SOOO much fun with you!
* And after a VERY brief nap, you and I made sugar cookies and fruit salad together. You were a big help!
* Then you, Daddy and I went for a walk and played at our closest playground. We bumped into and played with our friends Steph, “Higgy” (Camielle) and her baby sister “Mooky” (You sat in Mooky’s baby car seat… how silly!)
* After dinner, you and I went to Raffaella’s house for a picnic for families of small children that I work with… How fun!

Here are some video highlights from today: “Bombs Away” and “Take Time,” and “Move please.” Enjoy Peanut!

We spent a lot of today giggling together, snuggling and exploring. Thank you for the joy you bring to my life, Sweet Pea. I love you.