Can’t stop trustin’ now

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Here is the emial we sent out just a few minutes ago to friends and family… Looks like you might be coming tonight or tomorrow, Little One! We can’t wait!!!

Love you!
*Mommy & Dadday

Greetings Friends & Family once again –

A few weeks back, when we heard we were “guaranteed” a c-section delivery, I was a little sad and emotional – Jonathan, my dear friend from my Gospel choir, grabbed both my shoulders, looked me square in the eyes, and said strongly, “April, we can’t stop trustin’ Him now. We’ve been trustin’ Him all our lives. He is always faithful. We can’t stop trustin’ Him now!!” Jonathan was so right… The peace I felt immediately was ‘beyond understanding,’ simply wonderful.

Well, here we are again, at a moment of transition, and we can’t stop trustin’ once again.

This morning’s doctor’s appointment began with Dr. Coral Surgeon walking in the room saying, “Well, we’re scheduled to go in tonight, right?” As this was news to us, she realized we hadn’t actually scheduled it yet, but through the conversation with her, we realized going in to be induced was probably the best and next thing to do. (Much more time past my due date, and there become increased concerns for the little one.) The plan is that we will call the hospital at 6pm and go in at 7pm. They will administer Cervidil near my cervix at regular intervals tonight to help it become more dilated and effaced by morning. Then in the morning, if I haven’t naturally gone into labor, they will kick start that process with some Petocin. If all goes as expected, we will have our little girl in our arms tomorrow.

Here’s the catch. Later, when the nurse called, we were told that we are “6th on the list.” What does that mean, you wonder? (As did we.) Depending on how many women naturally go into labor today, they may or may not have enough beds and/or nurses for us to go in tonight. Hehehehe. And the adventure continues. : ) So, we call at 6pm and find out whether or not we go in at 7pm based on their best guess. I asked if 6 is a lot (since we have no clue), and the nurse said, yes, that means it’s a busy night… but we won’t know for sure until we call at 6pm. If we don’t go in tonight, it will be tomorrow or the next day for sure.

The next email you will receive will be from my sister (Amy Strande) as soon as our little one arrives (probably tomorrow, maybe longer, maybe shorter).

How’s that for clarity? We can’t stop trustin’ now. It is all good. We are so thankful for this blessing and this adventure! And as much fun as it has been so far, we really can’t wait to meet our Little One!!

Thanks for your continued love, support and prayers!! As always, they mean the world to us!!

April & Adam (the very excited, soon-to-be parents)

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