Family Time @ Ironwood Ranch

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Hey Bugadaboo –
(I wrote this to you 2 nights ago – just posting it now from home.)

Tonight is the last night of Family Camp at Ironwood Springs Lodge, and, despite the crazy heat, we have had a great time!!! You have developed a new best friend in another blond 6-year named Ava – Ava is my cousin Jessica’s oldest daughter. You two have been practically inseparable – coloring and painting together, swimming together, sleeping together in the same twin bed each night… story times, s’mores, showers, and pillow fights. When you weren’t with Ava, you were taking care and playing with little Sojourner (my other cousin’s little 2-year old) or Niklas, your cousin.

It was such a joy to be with you this week – you have such a developed sense of wit, you play independently as well as with me – snuggling and giggling with me throughout the day. You have been a fantastic listener and cooperator. You swam so much I could practically see you getting better hour-to-hour. You swam in and out of the deep end, hardly noticing where you couldn’t touch. You swam a ton under water! You Uncle Mark, Daddy Jim, Dan (my cousin Ranae’s husband) and Auntie Jessica threw and flipped you in the air over and over and over and over again, and you just camp back for more.

You were so excited to see and spend time with Oma and Opa – wanting to sit with them at dinner, play with them and do crafts with them. You swam over to them to talk with them. I know they felt so special because of all of the kindness and enthusiastic love you showed them!

We head home tomorrow – and though, it will be sad, it will also be nice to be home. We will definitely have to make this trip and gathering a priority every year. We are so very, very blessed to have such an amazing family! They are a special crew of people who all care so much about each other and bringing God’s love and kindness to everyone they meet. I feel so grateful that we are part of this big, wonderful family!!

Here are a few fun pictures from the trip!

Uncle Wally showing his new book to Cousin Jessica

Oma is the first to hold your Mama’s book! The publisher over-nighted it to the ranch