The way you make sense of your world – this time regarding “tornado”

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Not sure what started you thinking about tornadoes last night, but as I was listing happy things to think about while you fall asleep, you kept interjecting these and related questions:
* Mama, do we get tornadoes here?
* Mama, do people die in tornadoes?
* Mama, I think we are going to have a tornado tonight.
* Mama, why do we go to the basement?
* Mama, can you make a blanket without needle & thread if we are in the basement during a tornado and don’t have one?
* Mama, what will we eat?
* Mama, do tornadoes ever stop?
* Mama, I think we are going to have a tornado tonight.
A few minutes after reassuring you that meteorologists can predict with quite a bit of certainty when the conditions are right for a tornado, and they warn us when someone has seen one…
* Mama, I think we should watch the news more.
long pause
* So we can see if a tornado is coming.

Whew – That is a LOT of processing about a certain idea that I cannot, for the life of me, connect to any of her personal experiences today (or recently).

Your mind is quite amazing, Little Person!!
I love you