Diagnosis: Bronchitis

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I’m curious –

You and I had the same cold/bug/flu – whatever… we both had heads full of snot, we both felt run down, we both ended up coughing up a lung – and then 4+ days into it, you developed a fever, and my face started to hurt (sinuses). Why is that? Why do little people and big people process the same bad bacteria/virus differently – well, besides the different lengths of things anatomically? And the fact that you have a harder time blowing the stuff out of your head than i do.

Anyway, we have had QUITE a week together.

Today was your 5th day with a fever, and Daddy took you to the doctor. Diagnosis? Bronchitis. Me? I’m certain I have a sinus infection – I’ll have to see my doctor tomorrow.

Your job was to write something in your take-home journal about what you did so you can share it with your friends on Friday… Kate sent it to me while I was preparing for class today, and I laughed and laughed – so sweet! Check it out: