Guess What?

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You’re not here yet!

We ended up getting a phone call from the hospital at 5:45pm last night saying they were too full. We needed to wait another day. Your Dadday and I were sad we wouldn’t get to meet you, but we understood that the doctors needed to focus on people who were higher risk than us. You are so healthy that no one is really worried about you. Isn’t that great?!?!

So then, this morning (3/15) our doctor called me at 8:15am and said that they were in the midst of a “flurry of deliveries” and she thinks there will be room for us mid-morning!! I was so excited!! I re-packed our bags (we have packed and unpacked these hospital bags 3 or 4 times now) and called your Daddy at work. The doctor said to sit tight and wait for her to call back… so I did. She asked a nurse to call at 11am and let us know that they are still too busy. They will see what they can do for tonight.

So, we are waiting for the final call for tonight. Within the hour, we expect the hospital will call and let us know whether or not we will come in tonight. If so, off we go!! If not, I will get to sing with my gospel choir at practice – which is ALWAYS a good thing… quality praise time with God and really great people. I’ll write more later when we know more.

All this fuss… isn’t it fun? All focused on precious little you! You are SO WORTH every bit of it!

One more thing… my dear friend Jon and his family also had a little girl around this time about 16 years ago – she was born on 3/16. Sadly she lost a battle to cancer and is now in heaven. Jon asked that we remember Meagan this week as we excitedly welcome you into our world. (I have posted her 6-day picture here so we can all remember her.) Jon finds news of you and your coming arrival to be a source of hope and peace in his life… Isn’t that wonderful?!?!? God is already using you for amazing purposes! You willl certainly be a LIGHT in this world!

Meagan 6 days old

Meagan Margerum-Leys at 6 days old

Loving you,

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