Most exciting day of the year – a wiggly tooth!

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You were so amazingly endearing tonight as you ran down the stairs –

“Mama, come quick! Mama!! I think I have a wiggly tooth… but I can’t find it all of a sudden…”

Yesterday or the day before (I can’t remember), you were complaining of your front tooth hurting when you chewed. I smiled at you and responded, “You know what I think that is, don’t you?”
Confused, you asked, “What?”
“A loose tooth I bet… I bet it will start wiggling soon.”
Your eyes got so big!!! “REALLY?!?!?!?!”
“I bet so” I answered.

Today I stuck my finger in your tiny little mouth, and sure enough – “Right here, Sweetie. Here is your first wiggly tooth.” 🙂

You were so excited, you couldn’t stop smiling. You couldn’t wait to tell Madeline and your Dad!! Every 30-60 seconds in the car ride, you would say

“Guess what?!?! I have a wiggly tooth!!”

After I said goodbye to you at your Dad’s and headed out to take Madeline to voice lessons, you pulled open the door again, and with the hugest smile and the strongest voice, you said,

“Mama, I hope you have a really great voice lesson and a really great night!!! I love you!!!”

You were gushing – it was so fun to be near you!!