Can’t believe you’re 7

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Seriously – you got so long and strong and mature in, what seems like, over night. You have outgrown so many clothes in the past couple weeks! I think your hair cut makes you look so grown up too. And I have asked you a million times today and yesterday, “Maya, how old are you?”

You smile and say, “7, Mama”


I blinked, and now you’re 7. Whew.

You are SUCH a joy to be with, I can’t even tell you! You are thoughtful and kind and SO WITTY! You make me laugh out loud!! And you melt my heart. You still love sitting on my lap, and I’m so grateful for that! Today we laid outside with our heads next to each other and talked – talked about the clouds, talked about Jojo, talked about whatever… 7. Nothing beats it!!

Here are some pictures from yesterday – your birthday – when you turned 7. Sigh. I’m sure I’ll have more pictures tomorrow from your party with your friends. These are sure fun though!! Highlights from yesterday: Jojo goes to school, birthday celebration with homemade gifts and “I wish”‘s from Ms. Suzanne’s class, a family dinner at Sticky Lips with 13 people – and the whole day with self-imposed crazy pink hair!! 🙂 You are so much fun!!

Enjoy Beautiful Girl!! Know that I love you so incredibly much!! You are SO DEAR to me!