My Adventuresome Girl

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This weekend is another weekend of firsts…

You starting sewing class today – AND LOVE IT!!!! You described the “Dream Pillow” you are making. All 4 girls in the class (Maya W, Makenzie, Siobhan and you) have to include a heart for a pillow. Then you chose 2 other things that make you happy to add to your pillow. You chose “sleep and food, because I am very comfortable with both of them” (you explained). 🙂 Tonight you said, “I cannot WAIT until next time!!”

And tomorrow you start girls’ lacrosse – that’s awesome. I know absolutely nothing about the sport. Today I bought you a stick and a mouth guard. 🙂 Both pink of course. You’re wearing a mouth guard… hmmm… should I be nervous?

I love your courage and the full-in way you do life!! I want to be more and more like you as I grow up!!

Love you Baby Girl!