Happy Birthday

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Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Maya!
Happy Birthday to you!

Hi Sweetie!
I’ve been meaning to write to you for such a long time, but you have kept me QUITE busy this past month. Today is your 1 month birthday already. At our last pediatrician’s appointment (your 2nd), you weighed 8lb2oz. This is quite an increas from your 6lb1oz weight at birth!

You are more beautiful than ever! You have already had a number of real baths. You seem to like the water. Today you and I took our first shower together. It was wonderful! You seemed to really like it! (As did I!) Then we took a nap together on Mommy and Daddy’s big bed. When we woke up, you fed lying next to me for the first time… also very special. We went for a long walk to the video store (to ask the manager to waive the late fees from the videos that didn’t get returned when we went to the hospital with you… she gladly waived them). It was sunny and in the 60’s today… A beautiful day for a beautiful girl!!

Then we all went to church together. Tracy held you during the first song the Gospel choir sang. The rest of the time you hung out in the sling that Cricket made for you. You were great! Father Jim was so excited to see you.

We all came home then and you hung out with Daddy for most of the night. We watched “Ocean’s Twelve.” (Actually Mommy pooped out early and headed to bed for about 1/2 hour before you needed to be fed again. Daddy also fed you 1 oz of milk from a bottle. This was your first time drinking from a bottle as well. What a great day of firsts!!

We love you Little One, and we are SO GLAD you are here! You are a miracle, a treasured one at that.

Happy Birthday!


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