Night and day…

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Hey Little Peanut –

You grow more amazing every day! This past week (your 6th) you seemed to begin to differentiate between night and day. Yesterday, for example, you were awake much of the day. And last night you set a record for time in between feedings. I fed you at 8:45pm and then you and I took a bath together. You were quite fussy after the bath but went to sleep by about 11pm. You didn’t wake up again to be fed until 3:15am!! That is 6.5 hrs between feedings – Nice! And then you didn’t wake up again until 7am… to do some digesting.

Anyway, you are growing so quickly and so beautifully. So many have complimented your cuteness – You have SO much character! In your cries, in your pouty face, in your huge smiles, in your raised eyebrows and pierced lips. You are indeed a sweetheart!

Before Bathtime

But you are calling me now.

I love you Little One.

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