These are your sweet little 2 and 1/2 year old swimming foot prints.
You couldn’t wait to get out on a boat on the “swimmin’ pool” called the lake.
Uncle Jim is out there in that sailboat!
This is 3-year old little Gracie. You and she had a FANTASTIC time! Let’s seei if I can get this right. Gracie’s Daddy (Tibor) is Jim’s nephew — his sister Andi (& Ti)’s son. Andi and Ti (Tibor II) are the one’s who live in Tennessee. Liz and Tibor, Gracie and Baby Tibor are AWESOME! We had such a fantastic time getting to know them!!
We also had the wonderful privilege of hanging out with Judi’s sister Karen, her husband Dick and their daughter Allison. This is you with Allison!
This little skateboarder is Baby Tibor… Check him out!
This is Lily – Libby’s daughter Wendy’s daughter. Wendy was there too! What a fantastic time!
After Gracie came out in a pretty skirt, Maya and I asked Judi if she happened to have a pretty dress in size 2T. Of course she had a “pretty dress!” She pulled a “pretty dress” out of her closet, grabbed a ribbon out of a drawer, and we were all set! Aunti Judi ROCKS!!
All Judi’s Girls!! Allison, Gracie and you are all Judi and Jim’s Godchildren!