Mother’s Day

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Hey Beautiful Little One –

Happy Mother’s Day – It’s our first together, and I can’t tell you how HONORED I am to be your Mom. Your Dad left a note in the shower to play track 3 on the CD. It was Taylor’s “Whenever I see your smiling face,” the song I consider your Daddy’s and my “our” song. But I sang it to you and the words still fit! And as I sang “Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself because I love you” to you, you gave me the BIGGEST smile! I almost cried!

Here is a picture from a couple days ago when you took a shower with Daddy. You seem to really love the water. We took a bath together last night.

Showering with Daddy

Friday night (May 6) was your first night sleeping in your crib in your room. You slept really well! Last night you woke up almost every hour… Sadly, I think you’re having a hard time breathing. You’re fighting a virus right now along with thrush. I hope you feel better soon. Your cry hurts my heart.

Anyway, thanks for being so wonderfully you, Little Maya!

We love you,

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