Your 1st Baptism Birthday

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Hey Beautiful –
Today you were baptized with Jimmiqua at Spiritus Christi Church. You are known as “The Gospel Choir Baby.” The Gospel choir sang 5 of my favorite songs today in your honor. It was a wonderful service… touching, beautiful, personal, and so special. Father Jim and I discussed the meaning of the word “sacrament.” We decided that is a special event in which we focus on and experience God’s love in an explicit way. Today definitely fit that description – such a special day in which we could feel God’s love for you…


We had a party for you and Jimmiqua after the service at our house at 16 Regent Street. Some of those in attendance were Auntie Amy, Uncle Matt, Grandma & Grandpa Tatro, Jim & Judi, Susan and her Mom Sally, Carleen, Nanna Sherry, Tracy, Caronline & Drew, Michael, Blythe & Orion, Jan & Justin (friends from my work), Nancy, MJ, Raffaella, David Hursh, Jim White, Jenel, Karen Donahoe, Anne Falvo, Mike, Melissa & Casy, Shauna & Devon, Jimmiqua, Gardenia, Josh, Justice, De De, Emma (Jimmiqua’s Grandma), Mort & Diane, Laura & Alan, Bill & Deb, and Tracy Ball. Quite a crowd, huh?

After the party, Judi, Nanna Sherry and I opened and recorded your presents. You received many very nice gifts.

Here is another picture from the day:

Family Pict

Bottom line, today God formally called you His. He will never let you go! What a wonderful thing to be a Child of God. You are Beautiful little girl who is already a LIGHT in this world! Thank you for all the joy you bring! I am honored to be your Mom.

I love you,

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