Walnuts, windows and fudge

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After a long – long – long day of driving home from Delaware, we bring the big kids over to Julie’s. Julie bought Thai food for all of us to share.

Exhausted, grateful and full, you and I say thank you and start to leave the backyard.

As we are doing so, I look up at just the moment your brother decides to launch something from his lacrosse stick in the general direction of the backyard neighbor’s house. To everyone’s shock and horror, the next thing we hear is a window crashing.

Dan shares in the shock and turns away from the house abruptly, explaining that it was a walnut. (I don’t think he thought it would go that far.)

I take you over to the house where no one appears to be home to see if we can patch up the window to keep bugs out while Julie monitors Dan’s writing of an apology note.

As you and I get out of our car to walk up to the house, you say, “Mama, should we bring the fudge? It might help.” I smile. You wanted to give the owners the fudge you have been eating on for 3 days from Delaware.

After we meet the owners, apologize, trade numbers, etc., you quietly said, “Should I get the fudge now?” You did and Ron gratefully took a chunk, ate it and expressed sincere gratitude.

You are a treasure.