You have turned a corner…

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They say that 3 months old marks an important benchmark. Scientists believe that these past 3 months you were supposed to still be in the womb, but as humans evolved, your little brain became so much larger (and the space in women’s pelvises became smaller as they walked more upright) that you needed to be born pre-maturely. That’s why babies in the first three months need to experience many womb-like things in order to be soothed (e.g. constant motion, white noise, etc.) Your “4th trimester” is now over, and you have certainly turned a corner.

You now sit on our laps and just check out the world (without needing to be rocked or bounced. By the way, have I told you about the yoga ball yet? Your Daddy and I (and many others who love you very much) have spent MANY an hour bouncing you on that big yoga ball. It worked like magic for you… soothed you almost immediately, often put you to sleep. We weren’t quite sure what to do when the ball wasn’t with us. 🙂 We both loved and hated that silly ball. (Then we read Harvey Karp’s “The Happiest Baby on the Block,” and we got many other really good strategies… Great book!)

Anyway, I digress. Today is your 3-month birthday! You are so long and healthy. People say you have filled out nicely. At your last doctor’s appointment (May 26), she said you were 50% for weight (11 lbs) and 75% for length (21 in. I think). You left with Daddy to go to Ms. Kristin’s today to play with the other kids. I hope you have a wonderful day! We’ll celebrate more when you get home tonight.

This is a picture from yesterday:
3 months old

Happy Birthday Miss Maya! You Daddy & I love you oh so much,

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