normal wonderful days with you…

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macy bath1

macy bath2

macy bath3

donuts 1

alexandra 1

alexandra 2



savor rochester





Okay, so here are a couple great stories you’ll enjoy:
Maya Reads Me a Story
Last night I came home from choir practice, and Daddy was just about to leave your room after he read to you and stayed for 4 songs (that’s what we do these days – 2 songs rocking, 2 songs snuggling). You asked me to stay a while too, so I plopped myself down next to you. You said, “Mommi, read a story.”
“It’s too dark, Sweetie. I’ll read a story to you tomorrow.”
“Maya read a story to you?”
“Sure, you read a story to me.”
You pick up your I Spy book and point to a picture. You say, “What is that?”
“A fork” I answer
“GWATE!” you said encouragingly….
After each question I got right, you encouraged me wtih a “Gwate!”

A bit more scary of a story: Escapee
Last Thursday morning, Daddy was working so you and I were doing our morning routines together. We came downstairs after I showered. I opened our big heavy wooden door but locked our storm door so you could see out but not get out. After getting you set up, I wentto the bathroom to dry my hair. After a while, I turned off the blow dryer to find Daddy standing in the kitchen.
“How’d you get in?” I asked. “You shouldn’t have been able to get in… I locked the door!”
“Well, it was open when I got here,” he said. “Maya was hanging on the door handle.”
“Hmmm….” I pondered but didn’t think much more about it.
Later that night we went for a walk around the block. We went over to say HEY to our neighbors Laura and Alan. After chit chatting a bit, Alan looked at Laura and said, “Did you tell her?” Laura said “Not yet.”
She goes on to explain how, while she was putting on her makeup in her bathroom, she saw you open our door and let Macy out. After that you walked out of our house, down the stairs and down the street. Laura noticed that there were no adults around, so she hurried down and grabbed you and Macy. She deposited both of you in our house, and left… without telling me what happened. I’m so glad you’re safe! What a crazy wonderful world. I guess it really DOES take a village…. Than you God for our Village – especially Laura who noticed and did something about it. We are blessed!