a gymnist in training

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You started real gymnastic classes for the first time this week. You will have a 45-minute lesson with 3-year olds and Miss Jan once a week. Miss Jan has been teaching at this gymnastics center for over 15 years. Everyone raves about how great she is working with little tykes like you. Many of her students end up in the “accelerated” program called PERKY… that’s gotta crack you up – it does me. So you might be a PERKY next year. Hee hee… can’t even type it without laughing.

Anyway, you had a FANTASTIC time! They have incredible equipment. I think the lessons will teach you how to channel that amazing energy and fantastic strength and coordination that you demonstrate all the time. I’m sure most parents say things like this, but you have always had surprisingly strong athletic potential – you throw very well and quite often very on target. You climb better than most of your peers. You jump confidently and competently off of very tall things… landing firmly on 2 feet. When I take you to classes with other 2 year olds (like at the Little Gym), you are the first in line and you can do the things (like a front roll) without any help. Your daycare teachers comment on this agility as well.

Anyway, I think gymnastics will give you a good start for whatever you decide to do… soccer, dance, football (right Auntie Amy?)…

Here are some pictures I was successful in sneaking from the night:

gym 2




By the way – they don’t let parents even WATCH you. It was quite painful for me. I so wanted to know what you were doing…. so I sneaked around to the corner of your classroom about four times to peek in on you. I got yelled at once bu the secretary, but that just means I need to also sneak by her next time. It was fun to see you sit on your circle and watch so attentively waiting for your turn to give it a try! You have such an incredible spirit… I love you Peanut Butter!