some school notes from September…

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And some random summer pictures to show you how incredible you are…

9/6/07 “I came in about 9:15am and Maya was the 1st one to welcome me with a great smile. She grabbed my hand! They all seemed happy and ready for a fun-filled day! Maya is an awesome jumper!! She climbed and jumped off the platfrom in the muscle room. Maya really likes to receive praise… this really encourages her to engage more! Maya received a sticker today for listening and cleaning up after herslef. She was one of two children who received a sticker!!” -Maritza

summer 17

9/7/07 “I came in at 11:45am and they were eating lunch. Maya ate meatloaf and 2 servings of fruit an d milk. She was ALL smiles!! She took a 1.5 hr nap. She sat on the potty twice but only went once. This was great!! Hooray… She received a sticker for this… And a little parade… I noticed today that Maya voluntarily decided to clean up the books that were on the floor and the couch…” -Maritza

summer 13

9/10/2007 “Maya seemed very happy today!! She enjoyed all the centers today. She played with playdough, shaving cream with food coloring, babies and baby clothes, and the train set. She participated in all the activities and followed all directions. Great Day!!” -Maritza

summer 8

9/18/2007 “Maya had a very good day. She was very affectionate towards her friends. Lots of hugs and kisses!! Centers: train set, tools and blocks, potato head, coloring pencils, people in house. Maya played first with coloring pencils – her drawing is in her mailbox. Tools next, then people in the house.”

summer 9

9/23/2007 I logged that you had gone pee pee on the potty THREE times and poo poo on the potty once on Sunday. Maritza was very excited to hear you had such a great day… This is what she wrote the next day: “Potty training can be very exciting and fun. It’s great to hear about it!! Maya is a very sweet girl! Very affectionate!! It’s great working with her. She played with the tool set and babies with clothes (dressing) during centers.” -Maritza

summer 3

9/27/2007 “Both regular teachers are out today – The Spruces (that’s you!) did very well – however, potty routine was a little “off” for Maya today – hope to have more success in the p.m. Maya enjoyed showing us her dancing moves today – she poured sand into many different sized containers at the sand tables. She also enjoyed playdough and block building. outside, she’s working those legs on the swings & loving the bikes!!” – Bonnie


We see the same wonderful things in you Miss Maya –
* a beautiful, full-of-life spirit
* a strong little body and will
* creative and talented
* caring and affectionate
You are LOVING bike-riding and playdough at home too. I think you would swim three times a day if we would take you. You are into watching Dora the Explorer 15-minute movies, and George is your favorite TV cartoon. You’re still a huge jumper – I bought you a little standing, in-door trampoline at a consignment sale last week, and you haven’t stopped jumping on it! You’ve been saying “I love you, Mama” just out of the blue. You still squeeze my cheeks together with your little hands and put your nose about an inch from mine and say, “I’m so proud of you!” in your awesome two-year old voice. Melts my heart every time!

summer 11

When we say grace before meals, we hold hands and usually sing. You always choose “Itsy Bitsy Spider” for your prayer…. sooo we sing Itsy, Bitsy Spider and end with some enthusiastic Amen’s! You also consistently insist on having your elbows held instead of holding hands.

summer 6

Tonight, at dinner I asked if your bananas were tasting good. Without missing a beat, both index fingers of both hands were pointed straight up to the sky with an enthusiastic, “TASTES GWEAT!!” Your Daddy and I laughed and laughed…. Seriously, what joy you bring into this world!!

summer 7

Thank you for being you!
I love you to pieces, Your Mommi

summer 19

summer 20

summer 21

summer 22

summer 23

summer 25

summer 24