our special rituals

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I think I never think to tell you about our daily rituals because I think they will always be a part of our lives… but in our short (and amazing) 2.5 years together, our routines changed quite a bit… And each of them is so precious to me that I want to make sure you know about them.

Let’s see – we’ll just walk through our “typical” day:

Most mornings, I wake up by the pitter patter of little feet walking into our bedroom. Usually you have “B” (your purple blanket) and at least one “friend” with you. I pick you up and plop you in between Daddy and me. We snuggle and giggle for a little while, and then you want to go downstairs. Before we head down, I stop to put in my contacts. You watch intently, and after each eye, we both look at each other and say “I see you!!” and giggle.

Downstairs we get some juice and fruit and hang out. Because we’re not sure how much fresh fruit and veggies you get at daycare, it is our goal to make sure you have a piece of fresh fruit first thing in the morning. We also try to limit “PT” (what you still call TV) to two 1/2 hour shows… the most important being Curious George. When it’s “George Time,” everyone gathers in the living room with cereal, fruit and usually a hair brush for your hair. At halftime, we all go and brush our teeth and by the end of the show (8:30am), we are ready to head out…

When we’re in the car, you usually ask for “cannie,” and you are limited to one piece of candy per trip. Sometimes you and I play a repeat game… you’ll make a noise and I copy you or join you… we go back and forth and back and forth and giggle. You LOVE to play in the car, so often when we get home, you jump into the front seat and pretend to drive, open things, and basically search for “cannie.” 😉

As Daddy and I get everything on the table, you’re usually watching a little PT… I think it is good downtime for you after all the social time you’ve had at school. We often use this opportunity to sneak in whatever nutrients we want you to consume (sorry – I realize this is a bit manipulative). Because you’re hungry and distracted, you eat most anything we put in front of you. : ) Can you say “edimame?”

Once we’re ready, we tell you that your plate is waiting for you. You immediately (most of the time) run out to see what’s there. We hold hands to sing or say grace. You often prefer that we hold your elbows instead of your hands. : ) You also often choose ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider” for grace, for which we always end together with our chorus of “amen, amen, amen amen, amen.” Typically you end up eating a little off of everyone’s plate. When you’re done, you run and wash your fingers and face while Mommi and Daddy finish. You often ask, but the rule is no PT until Mommi and Daddy are done. We also often decide to have ice cream together for dessert.

We often go for a walk in the neighborhood. This is when some nights we meet up with your 2-year old friend Alexandra and her parents for a walk to the playground at the local school. During the summer we would hang out with Hannah and Timmy and parents. Sometimes we head out to explore other playgrounds. And, on very special nights, we use this time to go swimming! (That is your favorite!)

Close to 7:30pm we head upstairs to put on pj’s, brush teeth and read stories. After a number of books, we turn off the light (leaving on the night light on) and turn on the lullibye music (our favorite is Veggie Tales!). We rock for 2 songs and then snuggle on your bed for 2 songs. We start by saying our prayers – we thank God for all the amazing things that we experienced that day and we pray for everyone we can think of… I say, “God bless…” and you list names. I add my own quiet prayers, asking God to help you grow up beautiful and strong and honest and caring and able to laugh yourself. I ask God that He will keep you close through every step. I ask God that He will also help your eventual spouse, dates and friends grow in the same grounded way, so they know you too… and can help you make wise decisions and have a joy-filled outlook on life.

Sometimes you are still quite wound up after 4 songs and you don’t want me to leave. Recentaly I have been following up these events wtih one or two songs of standing rocking you. You snuggle your head into my neck and calm down. It is really the sweetest thing EVER! Our hearts beat together, and I often hear you yawn a very sweet yawn. I lay you down, kiss your forehead, and you roll on your side and fall asleep. All very wonderful.

Okay, so that’s most of them. AM I NOT TOTALLY BLESSED?!?!? What a life!
I love you Peanut Butter,