mommi’s wonderful work friends

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Hey there Baby Girl –

You and I had a rocky start to our Friday, but it turned out to be an AWESOME day thanks to some great friends.

When I dropped you off this morning, you REALLY did not want me to leave. People say this is a stage that all kids your age go through, but it really threw me. You were crying so hard, and we couldn’t do anything to distract you. And Maritza really tried. After she pulled you away from me, I stood around the corner in the hallway waiting for you to stop crying so I knew you were okay, and I could go to work. Sadly, you cried and cried and cried… which made me cry and cry and cry. I love my job… I really do, but I really DON’T like how, at times, everything gets off balance. I don’t mind it for me because I understand it’s only temporary and life will soon return to normal. But you are only 2 and a half – when Mommy doesn’t come home before you go to bed twice in one week, it’s hard for you to understand.

Anyway, I called to check on you at noon, and Maritza came to the phone to reassure me that you were fine… a little sad to start, but soon playing and laughing like normal. I guess my sadness was a combination of wondering if you were okay and my own missing you. It will be better on Monday. Daddy and I are also going to do our best to pull you out at least 1 day a week for some fun adventure. We really do love spending time with you!! You are such a joy!

Speaking of joy – check out these flowers!!!

(Believe it or not, they SMELL just as good as they LOOK!! You love them too!)

My student Liz gave them to me to thank me for working with her and because she noticed that I was tired and a little sad last night when I was still at work at 9:15pm. How awesome is that?!?!?!

Another one of my doctoral students Kankana also shared some wonderful things today with our research group about how much she enjoys working with me and for me – how grateful she is – words that were just as beautiful and touching and important to me as the flowers.

And THEN…. tonight you and I decided to try out a different “oce cream store” (as you call it) and postpone the bath until tomorrow. We headed over to the Corn Hill Creamery for our Friday night ice cream and stopped in to see my friends Abe and Vera. They joined us for ice cream, and we had a FABULOUS time – walking by the river and then playing with Snowball, their cat.
ice cream1

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I think we’re going to have ice cream with them again soon!

Can you say “blessed” Baby Girl?!? We sure are!

Love you to pieces! *Mommi