A few more firsts

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Hey there Baby Girl –

I apologize – I am a bit behind in logging MANY things that have been going on in your life! Let’s see if I can catch up a bit.

First eating – You had your first peaches yesterday (and seemed to love them!). Grandma Luehmann fed you your first applesauce while we were in Lowden last weekend – again, you loved it! I think Miss Kristin is going to try some veggies today.


After Grandma fed you applesauce, she also gave you a bath in the sink!

Another first – last night you spent the whole night in your crib. You woke up a couple times, but all but once, you put yourself back to sleep. Nice work!

On September 1st, you sat up all by yourself. You were lying on my lap, and you just sat up. You sat there by yourself for over a minute! We were sitting outside in the grass. Auntie Amy thinks that’s why you did it – You are SUCH an outdoors girl! You LOVE trees and grass and fresh air! I love that about you!!

Trip #4:
Last weekend, you and I flew to Iowa so that you could meet Great Grandma Elloise Segebarth. She is living in the Clarence Nursing Home these days. She is 91 years old. We invited Auntie Amy and Elisabeth to fly from Seattle to join us, and they did!! We also invited Grandma & Grandpa Luehmann to drive down from Austin MN, and they did! We all stayed in the Lowden Hotel B&B. We were the only guests for the weekend, so we left all of our doors open and shared the whole house. The innkeeper, Elizabeth Norton, made us beautiful breakfasts.


We celebrated Grandma’s 63rd birthday while there. She said it was the best birthday she has EVER had!! Nice, huh? It was also the first day of school in Austin, and Grandma & Grandpa just retired from teaching this summer, so they were afraid they might feel a bit sad if they were in Austin and weren’t teaching. Instead they came to see us! How fun!
gma Elisa
gpa hats

Auntie Amy made you giggle and giggle and giggle… and your giggling made the rest of us giggle!
auntie amy

Trip #3:
Before that trip to Iowa, we took your Trip #3 – A Tour of Michigan. We left on Thursday August 18 and headed to Grandma & Grandpa Tatro’s brand new home in East Lansing. It took us a surprising 10 HOURS to get there! SIGH… You are not a big fan of your car seat, so you didn’t exactly enjoy the trip. We learned that it is better to travel with you at night so you are able to sleep.


You and I scouted out Michigan State’s bookstore as well as Grandma’s new office. We also explored some of the local shops including the local Target. Now we have a much better sense of where Grandma & Grandpa are living. We all ate out at Mongolian BBQ (a favorite place of your Daddy’s and mine). Saturday night, your Daddy and I ventured south to Ann Arbor to go to Charles & Debi’s tiki party. You hung out with Granma & Grandpa.

The next day we ventured westward to visit Uncle Mark and Aunt Bianca in their Grand Rapids home. They called last night to let us know they have officially purchased a house again in Jackson, so it’s good we got to see the Grand Rapids home before they moved again. We had breakfast, went to church, and just hung out. It was a good time.


Then we headed northward to a B&B called…ummm… (I forget… I’ll have to look it up). After staying the night there, we finished out trip north to Macinack Island! The three of us took a horse & carriage tour of the island and learned all kinds of fun things. The Michigan trip was long but wonderful! It was so great to spend such quality time with family!


Your first trip to the cabin:
Let’s see, what other adventures have we been up to? Oh! I know. Between these two trips we spent the day down on Canandagua Lake with Judi & Jim! Daddy got to go tubing, and you had your first lake swim. You did not like it at all!! The water was FAR TOO cold! I’m sure before long you will be diving right in.
life preserver2
Judi’s and my friend from work, Cindy came too with her family. We all had such a grand time! Thanks Judi & Jim!

life preserver

Upcoming adventures:
This weekend (tomorrow) we are heading to the Adirondacks for Laura & Alan’s wedding… I’m sure we’ll have many more adventure stories to tell. And Grandma & Grandpa Luehmann are coming HERE to watch you for a week (9/16 – 23)!! We can’t wait!

All of these adventures are SOOOOO much more wonderful because you’re here, Peanut. Thanks for making our lives so much fun! We love you to pieces!