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Last Saturday was a special but somewhat sad day…

Saturday, Jake went to live with a new family. They lost their dog a couple weeks ago and were feeling very sad. They have had a dog FOREVER – can’t imagine life without one. So, they came over to meet Jake and immediately fell in love. We were having a hard time getting both Macy and Jake out for a walk or to the dog park because neither of our cars holds both dogs and the three of us.



Though we miss him very much, it seems like all is going well for Jake. Check this email out:

Subject: Jake & me
It could become a bestseller, like “Marley & Me” !

He appears to be adjusting well…
Sunday my husband kept him very busy outside, and of course, the grandkids had to come check him out. By 8pm he was totally zonked out on his bed, curled up and drooling, and never moved till I came downstairs at 6am.
We almost forget he’s there, because we have yet to hear him make a sound, except a little whimper when Dale went outside without him…does he ever bark???
He’s very sweet, and sticks closely to me in the house and Dale outside….he has been a very good boy and I think he is a “keeper”.

We will take good care of him and you and your family are certainly welcome to come visit him at any time…I hope your little girl is not missing him too much (or you either)…he’s lovable and fun.

We will always love you Jake, and we will miss you!