1/2 year old!

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Happy Birthday Little Peanut! You are 6 months old today!
And what a joy you are!

6 mnth small

I hope you had a FABULOUS birthday! I got to spend the WHOOOLE day with you! Lucky me!! We danced this morning and giggled alot. We played for a while more before you took a short nap. When you woke up, we headed over to play group at Pamela and Berkeley’s house. Everyone was there: Joanne and Walter, Melissa and Casey and Christine and Lucas, as well as of couse, Pamela & Berkeley and us. It was pouring rain outside!!

When we came home we learned that our street and our basement had flooded! Sigh…

Today you rolled from your back to your belly for the first time ALL by yourself! And you did it many times!! You are such a STAR!! Now you roll all 360 degrees… from you back to your belly and back to your back again! And we CHEER you on!!

Grandma & Grandpa arrived from Minnesota today. They were so excited to see you! They had seen you only a couple weeks ago, but they already missed you! Grandma fed you carrots and peaches for dinner and gave you a bath. She also held you for an hour or so after you fell asleep.

We are all SOOOOOO thankful for you Little One.

Happy Dreams. We love you to pieces,

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