6 month dr appt and more

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Hey there Sweetie –

Yesterday you had your 6 month doctor’s appointment…. the first doctor’s appointment without our Dr. Beth Brown. It was sad, but Dr. Glawenski was very nice. Grandma and Grandpa went with us, but Daddy had a lecture he had to go to… we missed him.

fish tank small

The doctor walked in and IMMEDIATELY noticed how loooong you are! She said many times how adorable and wonderful you were. And even this doctor used the word “perfect” during her assessment. I am always quick to agree. 😉

Here are your statistics:
Length: 27 inches 90%!!!!!! (This is a jump!)
Weight: 16 lb 4 oz 50% (following a normal curve for you)
Head Circumference: 16 3/4 in (following a normal curve for you)

You are now eating 3 meals a day of baby food, but Dr. G said that we could just give you our food, her consistency. She mapped out a daily diet for you that included Breastfeeding first thing in the morning and last thing at night. At each meal we will give you some fruits, veggies and cereal followed by a little formula or breastmilk.

6 mnth visit

You got three more shots – you cried while the nurse gave them to you, but you stopped as SOON as I picked you up. You are such a tough girl! You got a sticker again for your bravery.

After your visit, Mommy joined Daddy for an awards luncheon where Daddy was honored with 2 scholarships. I was (as always) so proud of him. You would’ve been too.

After that we joined Gma & Gpa and took a walk on the Erie Canal. You were in a bit of pain though, so I ran and got you some Tylenol. I think that helped a lot. We all went to Babies R Us after that, and Gma & Gpa bought you a high chair! You tried it out in the store! You looked like such a BIG girl! It was so fun!

new high chair

Then we came home and walked to dinner – we ate outside at the Big Apple on Park Ave b/c Gma & Gpa have never eaten on the sidewalk like that. Then we came home and Gma gave you a bath while Daddy & Gpa put the highchair together.

You were sound asleep by 8pm and slept through the WHHHHHHOOOLLLLLE night. I think you were quite tired.

Again, we are SO grateful you are so healthy and happy! We love you little one!
*Mommy & Daddy

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