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Hey Beautiful!

Today was a big day in the Tatemann household… especially for you! Today was your first day wearing shoes! 🙂 You like to bounce in this doorway jumper thing. You push off of the floor and jump and jump and jump and giggle and jump. Shoes gave you much better traction. 🙂


We also purchased two new car seats for a bigger little Miss Maya. You are no longer in the infant seat! Isn’t that crazy?!?! My baby is growing up! We went to the pediatricians on Friday for a diaper rash and flu shot, and while we were waiting, I weighed you. You already weigh 17 lbs 12 oz!! You are growing so much every day! I know because I have to trim your finger nails about every other day!


We had a fabulous morning this morning. Once you woke up, you snuggled up in bed with your Daddy and me. We all giggled and played for an hour or more. It was such a special time. They were the stuff dreams are made of. Thank you for all the joy you bring into our lives Little One!

We love you to pieces!

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