more great news about Jake

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Got this email from Donna today:

“Well, Jake is certainly making a name for himself in our neighborhood….people are amazed at how well-haved (thanks to you) he is…if they see him outside they come out to visit and watch his race-track routine around not just our house, but our next door neighbors yard as well…he goes so fast, that he almost caught a deer’s disappearing tail, as it leapt the creek and went into the woods….but was so well behaved that as soon as Dale yelled “Jake-Stop” he did!! Don’t get me wrong…he has gone into the creek after the ducks, and generally just has a real good time . he’s very welcome in our next door neighbors yard ( and house ) but last night the neighbor had on a real strange looking hat and I finally heard him do some serious barking (Jake, not the neighbor)…he DID NOT like that that!!

“On Oct. 30 my husband had a heart attack, and Jake was my very comforting compainion while he was in the hospital…now that Dale is home for a while to recuperate, Jake is completely attached to him.

“We put the Christmas tree up this weekend, and so far , his tail has only knocked 2 ornaments off of it. I’m sure Jake will make out like a bandit at gift-giving time…..everybody loves him!!!

“Well. just wanted to let you know he is doing fine…and to wish you all a very Happy Holiday season!”

We miss him very much, but it warms our hearts to know he is so loved!!