Thursday night’s family fun

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Last Thursday night we headed out to our neighborhood’s winter holiday festival:

Fourteenth Annual

Thursday, November 29th, 2007
5 to 9 p.m.

After meeting Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Razorshark (a local icon), Blue, Frosty and Scooby-Doo, we headed down the street to share a pizza. While we were there, a friend of Daddy’s from work came in (Jason) with his wife Diana and their daughter Anabell. We invited them to sit with us. Anabell is just 2 years old. You did such a great job sharing your pizza and grapes with her… and then she shared her shells with you! Very nice.

We then walked down to meet Raggety-Ann who was making balloon animals and things for all the kids. Following the kids in front of us, you asked for a long sword… purple. How fun. And Santa’s elf gave you a big candy cane.

Then you and I headed across the street to our favorite candy store. They were giving out free samples, so we each had one… and, of course, we bought a few treats to bring home with us.

We had so much fun we hardly noticed that is was a blustery 33 degree day…

Here are a couple pictures:
park ave1park ave2
park ave3

What a fun adventure!! I love you Peanut Butter!