developmental milestones indeed

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I swear you grow up OVER night, Baby Girl!! It’s crazy!

This morning we followed our regular routine where you come and tell me that it’s “wake-up time” at 6:30am and we tease back and forth about how dark it is and whether or not it REALLY is wake-up time… and we giggle.

After I set our clothes for both of us and I took a shower, you came left your TV show and walked over to me and said, “Mommi, I have to go potty.” “Great, let’s go!” You then went poopies on the potty! (Big deal!! NICE!) After adequate celebration, I went back to getting ready….

Next thing I know, I turn around and you had COMPLETELY dressed yourself – taken off your pj’s and put on your shirt, big-girl-underwear, pants, and socks!! All by yourself! CRAZY! Where did my baby girl go? You are such a big little girl…

Quite a day!
I love you, Peanut. I continue to be amazed by you more and more each day….