Month of June

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Hey Sweetie –

You’re sitting next to me in your bouncy chair right now. We’ve gone for a number of long walks today. You’re really into looking at the leaves on the trees. Nothing calms you as much as going for a walk outside… however it’s too hot to use the sling and the moby wrap, so I just carry you. I love carrying you! We have gotten to know all of our neighbors so much better because of these walks! Look! You are already making the world a much better place! You rock!


We had a lot of wonderful bonding time today… time i will always treasure. I fed you on our bed after you woke up from your nap. We cuddled for over 2 hours!

[You are looking up at me right now… and you just gave me one of your wonderful smiles! Melts my heart!! You melt everyone’s heart! I just gave you a little taste of my popsicle. I think that might officially be your first taste of anything other than breast milk. You were QUITE intrigued.]

Highlights from this past month… the month of June.
Charles & Debi (my friends from grad school) came to visit and meet you

CharlesMaya charlesdebi

* You started daycare with Ms. Kristin Creary in Webster on June 14
* We went to Canal Days with Tracy to hear Bill play
canal days
* You turned 3 months old
* You started to be much calmer and happier in your car seat. (Yea!)
* You started being able to just sit on someone’s lap and be happy without bouncing. (Yea again!)
* You learned how to roll from your belly to your back… nice work!
* You also started sleeping through the night. You sleep between 8 and 10 hrs almost every night… with the exception of about 5 nights. Very nice!
* You started talking a LOT! and it’s wonderful! You make one of the best noises when you talk with a binky in your mouth. It sounds kind of like “Goi, goi, goi.” Makes me chuckle.

I’ts about time for us to go take a bath… You game?

I love you Peanut! Thanks for being so wonderfully you!

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