34 weeks and counting

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Dear Little Raz,

This is your Mommy writing. We have been together now for a little over 34 weeks! Can you believe it? I have loved hanging out with you for all of this time! Though quite strange at times to feel you roll or kick, when I saw your picture last week on the ultrasound printout, I cried. You look so beautiful, so real, so fully formed, so our little girl!

I loved singing in the Gospel choir with you last night. Do you know you danced in my belly to the music the whole time? They call you “The Gospel Choir Baby.” They are so excited about your arrival! I don’t know if it is a realistic goal or not, but I’m hoping you’ll sing with me once you arrive. We’ll see how you react to all of the craziness!

Anyway, 5.5 more weeks and you’ll be here! We really can’t wait! Keep growing, and remember to turn head down soon. You don’t want to wait too long, or you’ll be too big to turn… so turn soon, okay? And if you don’t mind, slide down a bit so Mommy can breathe. 🙂 Thanks Sweetie.

Have a good night Little Raz. Keep kicking! I love knowing you’re there!

Your Daddy and I love you very much!!

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