More March Adventures…

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Chick-a-dee Trail on a BEAUTIFUL DAY!

Potty Training Graduation
Guess what?!?! It’s official. Your teachers sent home a certificate saying that you had graduated from potty training, and you could officially refer to yourself as “A Big Girl!!!!” They sent home ALL of your diapers and pull-ups!! We could not be more proud of you! So, of course we had to celebrate you at Friendly’s with ice cream!! We love you Baby Girl!!

Ellison Park on ANOTHER beautiful day! Thanks God
On a normal Thursday after school and work, we (Macy, you and I) joined Uncle Jim, Madeline and Daniel for some fun at the park!! Daniel and Madeline TOTALLY dig Macy! We ALL got so dirty and had SUCH a great time!!

Then we all came home to our house for a wonderful dinner and BATHS!! 🙂
This is a typical day?!?!?!? We are so very blessed!!!!